The BDI Program increases the opportunities of MWBE firms by providing technical assistance with certifications.

Business Diversity & Inclusion (BDI)
Increase business opportunities for minorities, women, and small businesses in Mecklenburg County.
Mecklenburg County is committed to providing minorities, women, and small businesses equal opportunity to participate in construction and professional services contracts. Through the BDI program, the County works to help minorities, women and small businesses grow and be competitive for governmental purchasing.
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Client Testimonial: Walker's Transportation and the Dessert Destination
Mary Walker and her grandson, Samuel Walker, are an honorary graduate and a graduate, respectively, of the Office of Economic Development’s Get Up and Grow program. Mary's daughter, Mary Walker-Howard, is a graduate of the Business LaunchPad program. Listen as Mary Walker-Howard shares about how the Business LaunchPad program has equipped her and her business, the Dessert Destination, to earn contracting opportunities. Hear from Samuel Walker as he describes how Get Up and Grow is helping Walker’s Transportation increase sales.
2020 Disparity Study Report
Mecklenburg County’s Office of Economic Development engaged Griffin & Strong, P.C (GSPC) to conduct a disparity study on the availability and utilization of minority and women owned businesses enterprises and examine relevant evidence of race – or gender – based discrimination in the Finance/Procurement Division’s contracting.